TMNT Shredder Reborn Welcome to the world's most famous characters: Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael and Michelangelo in the second part of the game Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Return of the Shredder! This time the action unfolds on the streets of New York, teeming hordes of demons and monsters. Unlike the first part of this game, now each of the characters a bit more mature and has 500 health points. As the passing game and every victory you will be awarded experience points that help you recover after a hard battle ... Be prepared for the most exciting battles that await you in TMNT: The Shredder Reborn! 128x160.jar 176x208.jar 176x220.jar 240x320 s40.jar 240x320 SE.jar 360x640 s60v5.jar